We are thrilled to announce a new immersion into the world of Contemporary African Art. Developed in partnership with Loft Art Gallery, Morocco's leading modern art gallery, this new experience is exclusive to Experience Morocco clients and offers our guests the opportunity to dive into Morocco's vibrant contemporary art scene in a private and intimate setting. Our VIP tour includes a personalized welcome and briefing by the gallery's curator, followed by a private tour to enjoy the art collection and exhibits. Clients will conclude their visit with a traditional Moroccan tea service or a celebratory glass of Champagne on the gallery’s beautiful rooftop terrace. This experience is perfect for art enthusiasts and collectors seeking a unique and enriching experience, as well as clients desiring a deeper connection to Moroccan culture beyond the typical tourist attractions. Whether you decide to incorporate this experience into existing itineraries or create a custom art-focused trip, we're here to make it happen.

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